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Live Fear Free Campaign
(Posted on 12/08/21)Link belowLive Fear Free Partner pack - Update August 2021 (grango.co.uk)
Important message for Year 9 Parents
(Posted on 20/07/21)A PCR test has now confirmed the positive LFT in Year 9, please check your emails for further information. Year 9 will now need to continue isolation until Monday 26th July. Kind Regards, Ysgol y Grango
Important message for Year 8 Parents
(Posted on 16/07/21)A PCR test has now confirmed the positive LFT in Year 8, please check your emails for further information. Year 8 will now need to continue isolation until Friday 23rd July. Kind Regards, Ysgol y Grango
Important message for Year 8 Parents
(Posted on 14/07/21)Dear ParentUnfortunately, we have had a positive LFT test reported to us today from a student in Year 8.After speaking to Public Health Wales we have been advised to send all Year 8 pupils home with immediate effect while we await the result of the student’s PCR test.We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this causes.Kind regards,&...
Important information - Testing and Isolation COVID 19
(Posted on 09/07/21)All Parents Please see important information attached. Thanks important-information-testin-313.pdf (grango.co.uk)
(Posted on 06/07/21)A PCR test has now confirmed the positive LFT in Year 9, please check your emails for further information. Year 9 will now need to continue isolation until Monday 12th July and return to school on Tuesday 13th July. Kind Regards, Ysgol y Grango