(Posted on 03/06/19)Cupcake day – Thursday 13th June 2019
(Posted on 22/05/19)In the average time it takes to bake a batch of cakes, six people in the UK will develop dementia. It is now the leading cause of death in England and Wales, overtaking both cancer and heart disease. We are joining in with cupcake day 2019.Please bring in your best bake, judges will be selecting the winner and there will be prizes awarded for 1st,...
English revision is scheduled for:
(Posted on 21/05/19)Weds 22/5 L2 Thurs 23/5 L1&2 Mon 3/6 L2-4 ALL MUST ATTEND EXAM U2 Tues 4/6 9am Weds 5/5 L1&2 ALL MUST ATTEND Thurs 6/6 L3-6 ALL MUST ATTEND EXAM U3 Fri 7/6 9am
New football kit unveiled!!!
(Posted on 21/05/19)We are delighted to announce we have another new football kit from our brilliant sponsor Principality Building Society. Thank you.
Humanities workshop
(Posted on 17/05/19)On Wednesday 8th May 14 Year 8 students participated in a Humanities workshop as part of the school’s More Able and Talented programme. Throughout the day, students were given the opportunity to explore topics within each of the Humanities subject areas. In Geography, students used their map skills to create an expedition route card, in Religious...
Celebration of artworks
(Posted on 15/05/19)A Celebration of artworks in 2D, 3D and Digital Media by GCSE students at Ysgol y Grango High School. Come together to celebrate the efforts and success of all pupils. Refreshments will be served. All Welcome.