01978 833 010
Welsh Oral Examinations
(Posted on 27/02/20)The Year 10 and 11 Welsh Oral Exams will take place on the following days; please ensure that medical/dental appointments and holidays are not made for these dates. Year 10 - 21st, 22nd and 23rd AprilYear 11 - 27th, 28th and 29th AprilDiolch! Welsh Department.
(Posted on 25/02/20)
Following the recent parent governor nominations Ysgol Y Grango is pleased to confirm that Amanda Jones has been elected to represent the parents of the school on the governing body.
(Posted on 12/02/20)Parent Governor ballot papers are due in by 3.30pm on Friday 14th February 2020. Please return ballot papers to Miss L Corbally. If you have not received a ballot paper, please collect one from the school office. Kind Regards Miss Corbally