01978 833 010
school meals
(Posted on 03/09/20)Can all parents please remember to top up school meal accounts online.Thanks for your co-operation.
All weather pitch
(Posted on 03/09/20)All weather pitch is now available to book. Early bird offers for anyone who books before 15th September.Please email harveym38@hwbmail.net for any information
Dear Parent/Guardian
(Posted on 02/09/20)Pupils at Ysgol y Grango will be participating in modified PE lessonswhen they return to school.We believe it is important that pupils get the opportunity to exerciseand be active especially following the pandemic where this aspectof life was hindered to some extent. The weekly recommendation by the NHS is at least 120 minutes aweek and we play...
school face coverings
(Posted on 01/09/20)Wrexham’s secondary schools
(Posted on 28/08/20)http://www.grango.co.uk/adminyyg/login.php