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Religious Education
Year 10
Short Course - Religion and Life Issues
Written Examination paper - 1hr 45mins
Four Topics covered;
- Topic 1 - Relationships - Issues of love, marriage and divorce
- Topic 2 - Is it Fair? - Issues of justice and Equality
- Topic 3 - Looking for Meaning - Issues about God, Life and Death
- Topic 4 - Our World - Exploring Creation and our place in the World
Year 11
Full Course - Religion and Human Experience
Written Examination paper - 1hr 45mins
Four Topics covered;
- Topic 1 - Religion and Conflict - Issues of peace, forgiveness and conflict
- Topic 2 - Religion and Medicine - Issues of medical ethics and the sanctity of life
- Topic 3 - Religious Expression - Issues of expressing one’s faith
- Topic 4 - Authority, Religion and State - Issues of law and order in religion and society