Edexcel BTEC First Award in Health & Social Care
This qualification will suit pupils wishing to enter the Health and Social Care sector. The qualification provides a taste of what the Health and Social care sector is like, enabling them to make informed choices about their future career.
Students must complete all coursework to a minimum of a pass level to gain the award. The award can be awarded at a pass, merit or distinction level.
- Pass is equivalent to 1 GCSE grade C
- Merit is equivalent to 1 GCSE grade B
- Distinction is equivalent to 1 GCSE grade A
Students must complete 4 units with Unit 1 and 2 compulsory core units.
Unit | Topic | Assessed |
1 |
Human Lifespan Development Life stages |
Externally assessed using a one hour exam in January or June. The paper consists of two structured questions which include short answer and extended writing questions |
2 |
Health & Social Care Values Defining care values |
Written assignment based around a scenario. i.e. Write a report which documents how you would respect and show dignity to an individual whilst also ensuring their health and safety. |
Units 6 and 3 are specialist units which must be completed, both are assessed using coursework.
Unit | Topic |
3 |
The Impact of Nutrition on Health & Wellbeing |
5 |
Effective Communication in Health and Social Care |
Students learn the content of each unit through class based theory work, assignments are then set for students to complete by the designated hand in date.
The assignments are to be completed during lessons and as homework. Keeping up with coursework and the submission deadlines are essential to success and a requirement set by Edexcel.
There are no work experience placements on this course.
Students opting for this course will have four lessons a week.
Some pupils may complete the award within the two years of study and hence have the opportunity to start the certificate. To achieve a Level 2 Certificate pupils must complete the above units and an additional:
- three further coursework units
- one externally assessed exam unit on ‘Healthy Living’