Have Your Say’ on new Made-for-Wales GCSEs
(Posted on 14/11/22)
Have Your Say’ on new Made-for-Wales GCSEs
Qualifications Wales is creating a brand-new set of GCSEs that will realise the ambition of the new Curriculum for Wales and meet the needs of learners.
They are consulting on proposals for 26 new GCSEs and other related qualifications. These are organised around what the Curriculum for Wales refers to as the six Areas of Learning and Experience.
Qualifications Wales wants people’s opinions on the content and ways of assessing the new qualifications that will be available from 2025.
The proposed qualifications include new combined GCSEs in The Sciences (incorporating Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Cymraeg Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, and Mathematics and Numeracy.
Qualifications Wales also wants people across the country to share their views on the content and assessment of brand-new GCSEs in Social Studies, Engineering, Film and Digital Media, and Dance.
Between 4 October and 14 December, you can tell us what you think of these proposals.
For more information and to ‘Have Your Say’ visit haveyoursay.qualifications.wales
‘Dweud Eich Dweud’ ar TGAU Gwneud-i-Gymru y dyfodol
Mae Cymwysterau Cymru yn creu set newydd sbon o gymwysterau TGAU fydd yn gwireddu uchelgais y Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru ac yn diwallu anghenion dysgwyr.
Maen nhw’n ymgynghori ar gynigion ar gyfer 26 TGAU newydd a chymwysterau cysylltiedig eraill. Mae’r rhain wedi’u trefnu o gwmpas yr hyn y mae’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn cyfeirio atyn nhw fel y chwe Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad.
Mae Cymwysterau Cymru eisiau barn pobl am y cynnwys a’r ffyrdd o asesu’r cymwysterau newydd fydd ar gael o 2025 ymlaen.
Mae’r cymwysterau arfaethedig yn cynnwys TGAU newydd cyfun yn y canlynol: y Gwyddorau (gan gynnwys Bioleg, Cemeg a Ffiseg), Iaith a Llenyddiaeth Cymraeg, Iaith a Llenyddiaeth Saesneg, a Mathemateg a Rhifedd.
Mae Cymwysterau Cymru hefyd am i bobl ledled y wlad rannu eu barn ar gynnwys ac asesu pynciau TGAU newydd sbon gan gynnwys Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol, Peirianneg, Ffilm a Chyfryngau Digidol, a Dawns.
Rhwng 4 Hydref a 14 Rhagfyr, gallwch chi ddweud wrthon ni beth rydych chi’n ei feddwl o’r cynigion hyn.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ‘Ddweud Eich Dweud’ ewch i dweudeichdweud.cymwysterau.cymru.