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(Posted on 12/09/14)
(Pictured are Chloe Andrews, Mr Dyfed Roberts, Learning Leader for Welsh and Megan Donoher)
The Welsh department is a very successful department and is central to school life at Grango. Unlike many schools in Wales, Welsh is a core subject and all students follow the GCSE full course in Years 10 and 11.The students at Grango have an excellent attitude towards the Welsh language and they are very enthusiastic in lessons. As a result, the students are extremely successful in external examinations.
88% of the class of 2014 achieved an A*-C grade. 49% gained A*, A or B. 20% gained an A* or an A.
These amazing results were due to the hard work and commitment shown by the students throughout their course. Two of the students, Chloe Andrews and Megan Donoher were singled out for praise by the Chief Examiner himself in his written report of the centre’s performance in the GCSE exams. He described their performance in the oral exams as outstanding, adding that the work of these two students would be used as exemplar material in training days for staff who teach GCSE Welsh Second Language. Da iawn, gennod! Well done, girls! We are extremely proud of your contribution to our school. You are both excellent role models for other students. Keep up the good work.
Mae’r Adran Gymraeg yn adran llwyddiannus iawn an yn ganolog i fywyd Ysgol yn y Grango. Yn wahanol i nifer o ysgolion Cymru, mae’r Gymraeg yn bwnc crai yma ac mae’r disgyblion yn dilyn cwrs TGAU llawn ym mlwyddyn 10 ac 11. Mae gan ddisgyblion Ysgol y Grango agwedd wych tuag at yr iaith ac maent yn frwdfrydig iawn yn y gwersi.O ganlyniad, mae disgyblion yn llwyddiannus dros ben mewn arholiadau allanol. Llwyddodd 88% o ymgeiswyr 2014 ennill graddau A* - C, 49% A*-B ac 20% A*-A.