Reopening of schools
(Posted on 04/06/20)
Firstly, can I thank you for your on-going efforts with home schooling since 20 March when schools closed for educational purposes. I understand the pressures that families are under and the importance of ensuring that children are able to return to school when it is safe to do.
On Wednesday 3 June, Kirsty Williams, Minister for Education, announced that schools will be reopening on Monday 29 June 2020 and will remain open until Friday 24 July 2020. The purpose of reopening is to provide pupils with an opportunity to “Check in, Catch up and Prepare for Summer and September” whilst emphasising that not all pupils will attend everyday, that there will be no more than up to one-third of pupils in a school at any one time and that depending on the context of the school, it could take schools some time to reach this level. This is to ensure that the health and safety and well being of pupils and staff are protected.
Welsh Government will next week be providing guidance to schools on implementing the reopening, and schools will consider this guidance to ensure as smooth and safe return to school for the pupils as possible. In addition, risk assessments are being carried out in all schools across the Borough. Each school will be assessing its own situation and it may be that there will not be an uniform approach across all schools and that not all schools are able to offer the same level of provision, due to factors such as building capacity and also staffing availability. In all considerations, the main principle will be to keep children and school staff safe as possible. Our schools have already started to plan on which days your child/ren will able to attend school. Please bear with your school whilst they develop the arrangements. Please be assured that your child’s school will contact you to notify you of the arrangements with sufficient notice ahead of 29 June. There is no need for you to contact the school at this point. In addition, you will be provided with information in respect of home to school transport for qualifying pupils and school dinner arrangements as soon as possible. Can I thank you for your efforts and perseverance in continuing to provide home schooling to your children