Excellence for all and excellence from all

Remote learning update 11-1-21

(Posted on 11/01/21)

Dear parents/guardians

As you are aware, schools across Wales have reverted to remote learning for the foreseeable future. The situation will be reviewed by Welsh Government on 29th January, but in all likelihood this situation will continue until February half-term.

Throughout this period work will be set for all pupils on Google Classroom and our other online platforms. Teachers will communicate with pupils and provide regular feedback on their work. We will contact parents if there are any issues.

We will also continue to provide regular information about remote learning through our social media channels. BBC2 television will also provide educational content for all pupils throughout this latest lockdown.

Please encourage your child to engage fully with this work. The work which pupils produce will form a crucial part of their end of year assessments, and in key stage 4 will provide evidence for their GCSE teacher assessments.

If there are any queries about this information, please do not hesitate to contact the school through info@grango.co.uk

Yours sincerely

Mr Stephen Garthwaite
