[email protected]
Arrangements for students after the Summer half term
(Posted on 21/05/21)
21st May 2021
Dear Parents,
Following the Welsh Government’s partial relaxation of Covid regulations, I’m writing to let parents know how things will look in school after half term. I will write again in due course with arrangements for September.
At the current time, masks are still to be worn by staff and pupils on school premises. The timings of the school day will return to normal. All pupils in years 7 -10 will start school at 8.50am and finish at 3.10pm.
We will be reinstating a morning tutor period and pupils will be informed of the name of their tutor before the half term holiday. In addition, we will be in a position to hold year group assemblies, showing strict adherence to Covid safety regulations.
The one-way system will remain in operation, as will the separate toilet arrangements.
Unfortunately, the canteen will not be open at breaktime; therefore, pupils will continue to bring their own breaktime snack.
The ‘bubble’ system will remain in place and pupils will be in their own zones during break and lunchtimes. In line with government advice, pupils will spend as much time as possible outdoors during these times. Please ensure your child has a coat. For lunch, the pre-order system will continue. Years 7 and 8 will eat lunch in class during period 4. Years 9 and 10 will have lesson 4 as normal and will eat their lunch in the canteen at 12.50pm. Year 10 will use the snack bar and year 9 the main canteen.
The MILK app ends on May 28th. Homework, and any other lockdown work, will be available via Google Classroom.
All parents should have received a letter regarding arrangements for virtual Parents Evenings after half term. If you haven’t received a letter, please contact Ms Andrea Hughes at school.
With grateful thanks for your continued support.
Yours Sincerely
Stephen Garthwaite